ATTENTION ! Cette page contient des éléments choquants ! Je déconseille meme à un adulte de s’y attarder si il ne sait pas un minimum ce à quoi il s’attends et donc si il n’y est pas un minimum préparé !
Marie Besnard
One from the got away with murder file. Marie, known in France as the "Poison Queen," tallied at least 13 deaths in her love for poisons and her quest for inherited gold. Her reign of terror spanned from 1927, when she killed her husband (and cousin) Aguste Antigny, to 1949 when her mother died and the bodies of 12 victims were exhumed and authorities found traces of arsenic in the tissue of all of the dead. In the case of her husband/cousin Aguste, who was buried with his shoes on more than 20 yearsbefore, evidence of arsenic was found in his surprisingly well preserved toenails.
Not the lazy type, Marie was quick to marry after disposing of her loving cousin. With the help of her new husband, Leon Besnard, she started trimming away with reckless abandon both of their family trees'. The wholesale slaughter of relatives proved to be rewarding as they endlessly kept dropping dead whenever Marie showed up.
By 1947 she poisoned her husband Leon when she fell for the charms of a handsome German P.O.W living in Loudon. After the death of her mother, locals demanded authorities to investigate the steady stream of deaths befalling her family. She was arrested once the bodies were exhumed and traces of arsenic were found in all of them. While in jail she tried to divert her guilt by asking a friend to spike the family wine with arsenic. When the friend refused Marie confessed her guilt.
During her trial in 1952 Marie hired a bevvy of high powered lawyers to dispute and divert the evidence. After three trials all evidence was used up in testing and Marie's guilt was expunged. On March, 1954, she was released from jail. On December 12, 1961 she was acquitted of any wrongdoing and walked away having gotten away with murder repeatedly and having fooled the world.
à ma page sur les Tueurs en série.