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Kenneth Bianchi
(Hillside Strangler)
Ces cousins tueurs (cf Angelo Buono) commencèrent leur règne de terreur à Los Angeles en 1977 et furent connus sous le nom du "Hillside Strangler." lang=EN-GB style='mso-ansi-language: EN-GB'>(l’étrangleur de Hillside) They liked to impersonate cops, pick up hookers, rape and kill them. They enjoyed leaving their corpses in provocative positions in hillsides east of Hollywood. When Kenny moved to Bellingham, Washington, the killings stopped. Bored with the small town life, Ken decided to get back to his old habits. He proceeded to kill two more women before being arrested. Bianchi is also suspected of at least three more killings in Rochester, New York, before his glory days in L.A.
While in custody Ken feigned being possessed by a violent alter ego named "Steve Walker." In prison he was contacted by a strange twenty-three year old woman named Veronica Lynn Comton who was seeking information for a book about a female serial killer. Together they hatched a plan to free him in which Veronica would take a sample of his sperm, kill a woman and deposit the sperm sample in her. Though a good idea, it never worked. Instead, it landed Veronica in jail.
à ma page sur les Tueurs en série.