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Efren Saldivar


A former respiratory care practitioner at a Glendale hospital Efren confessed to killing 40 to 50 patients over a eight-year period. A suspected "Angel of Death," he allegedly targeted patients who were already near death. He would kill them with lethal injections of the muscle relaxants Pavulon or succinylcholine chloride, and/or decreasing their oxygen intake if they were on ventilators.

Saldivar allegedly told police that the killings began in 1989, six months after he started working at the hospital, and stopped in August 1997 when he heard that one of his co-workers had seen morphine in his locker. The hospital first heard rumors about hastened patient deaths in April 1997. Although the two-month internal investigation revealed nothing suspicious, a criminal investigation was launched after police received an anonymous phone call on March 3 from a person saying Saldivar "helped a patient die fast."

Not a random killer, Saldivar -- who co-workers said had a "magic syringe" -- prided himself on following an ethical set of criteria determining who to kill: they had to be unconscious, they had to have a do not resuscitate order and they had to look like they were ready to die. In an affidavit, Officer William Currie, who interviewed Saldivar, said: "He talked about his anger at seeing patients kept alive as opposed to the guilt he would feel at the failure to provide life-saving care." He said that a polygraph examiner asked Saldivar if he considered himself an "angel of death" and Saldivar replied: "Yes."

Bizarrely, police could only detain Saldivar for 48-hours after his March 3 confession because of lack of corroborating evidence. When his confession surfaced in the press on March 25, the potential mercy killer was nowhere to be found. As of the writing of this his fast-talking brother is saying that he is no "Angle of Death," but merely "an angel." Authorities are talking about exhuming bodies and has assigned a six-member task force to comb through hospital records and interview staff and patient's relatives to build their case.

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- création Octobre 2002 - dernières Modifs : 26 mars 2005.