ATTENTION ! Cette page contient des éléments choquants ! Je déconseille meme à un adulte de s’y attarder si il ne sait pas un minimum ce à quoi il s’attends et donc si il n’y est pas un minimum préparé !
Carl Panzram
Not from the "Mister Nice Guy" file. The most unrepentant killer of them all. Carl started his criminal career by getting arrested at age eight for drunk and disorderly behavior. It was downhill ever since. His killing spree spanned two continents. While in Africa he hired eight blacks to help him hunt crocodiles. Instead, he killed his hired hands, sodomized their corpses and fed them to the hungry reptiles. He boasted of committing thousands of robberies, larcenies, arsons and having sodomized a thousand men. He was hanged in 1930 for killing the laundry foreman in prison. Even when he was at the scaffold he meanly snapped at the executioner, "Hurry it up, you bastard. I could hang a dozen men while you're fooling around."
à ma page sur les Tueurs en série.